Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Crafts!

I love the holidays! And even more now that I have kids. It's so much fun re-living them through their eyes! So I decided that I had to document this Halloween since I've done it before with the Little Man and now we have Little Miss in the family. I found a couple of great craft ideas on Pinterest (of course!) and now I cant find the pin so I cant give this crafty mom the credit...but I'm sure you've seen them floating around. I did tweak them both a bit though:

 For the Little Man's I used black paint for his hand tree and white paint (on cream colored paper) for his feet ghosts. The eyes and mouth on the ghosts are his fingerprints. Then I used a cup to trace the moon on yellow paper and free-handed the bats. For the life of me I could NOT get the spooky grass to look right. So we employed the drawing skills of The Hubs and he traced the grass onto brown paper. I then stuck everything down with Mod Podge and put a layer over the top.

Little Miss's was a fun one! Have you ever tried to get an 11 month old to stay still while painting their feet and hand?! I chose to make things easy and stuck her in the high chair with snacks. Works every time! On the original pin she made the hand print into another ghost but I wanted to do a pumpkin. So the pumpkin is actually her palm print (much easier than trying to get her fingers flat!). Then I printed out the type, hot glued bows to the ghosts and pumpkin, cut out the boarder, and Mod Podged everything!

We did two more crafts for Halloween this year. One was a banner that I found pinned from a blog called Iheartnaptime.net. I thought it was the PERFECT project to do with the Little Man. There weren't any instructions so I just did it by site. It was a lot of fun to do together!

Attached them with tiny clothes pins to some Halloween ribbon and we were good to go!

The last project that we did I know you've all probably seen on Pinterest. It originally came from a site called Happyclippings.com. We just had to finish off a carton of eggs before we could do it!

Great activity for kids. Little Man had fun painting the bats (and himself!). I didn't have the eyes like in the original pin so I just painted my own on. Then punched holes in the top, strung some ribbon through, and hung them in the doorway leading to the kitchen/family room area. I must say they added that little bit that we were missing in our Halloween decor.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't foot ghosts the best?!?! I love it with the hand tree, moon, and bats. So clever! I almost made the egg carton bats but I was too scared of all that black paint. Your banner is adorable too! Very festive!
